Who Am I?

Hello! I'm Adib, a student at the University of Toronto, double majoring in Co-op Computer Science and Neuroscience. My passion lies in the realm of Intelligence, encompassing both the fascinating intricacies of the Human Brain and the evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence. My ambition is to explore their intersection, aiming to drive future advancements in AI while deepening our understanding of the mind.

I possess strong foundations in AI & Machine Learning, with expertise in utilizing TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, Hugging Face, SciKit-Learn, and Pandas. I have developed innovative AI projects in hackathons and participated in Kaggle competitions, while engaging in cutting-edge Neuroscience & Bioinformatics Research. Additionally, I have practical experience using GCP, SQL, Git, HTML, CSS, C, Linux, & Bash.

Apart from my AI-enthusiasm, I am keenly interested in Archery. Archery has taught me the importance of setting precise goals, staying focused, and persistently pursuing my ambitions, while nurturing a resilient mindset with practical value in my everyday life.

What i'm doing

  • Machine Learning

    Machine Learning

    Leveraging cutting-edge NLP, Computer Vision,
    & ML techniques to pioneer innovative solutions.

  • Neuroscience

    Neuroscience Research

    Using advanced DL algorithms to decode hidden
    connections of Brain Neural Activity & Behaviour.

  • Google

    Community Development

    Nurturing the Developer Community at UTSC as the Google DSC Lead, fostering Growth, Unity, & Impact.

  • Archery


    Finding solace, growth, and fulfillment through
    the art of shooting arrows with a bow.



  1. University of Toronto

    Sep 2022 — Present

    Honours B.Sc. in (Co-op) Computer Science and Neuroscience – cGPA: 4.0/4.0
    Teaching Assistant: Python Programming, Discrete Mathematics

  2. International Biology Olympiad Silver Medal

    32nd IBO, Lisbon, Portugal  |  2021

    Achieved Silver Medal among 300 students from 72 countries in the world's most prominent biology competition.


  1. Founder & Lead | Google Developer Student Club (GDSC)

    Sep 2023 — Present

    • Selected by Google to lead student growth in tech, foster unity, and drive community impact through solving real-world problems.
    • Established a network of GDSC Leads across Canada to organize GenAI Genesis, the largest AI Hackathon in Canada.


  1. Applied Machine Learning Intern

    Vector Institute, Toronto, Canada January 2024 — Present

    • Youngest intern to join the AI Engineering Team at Vector Institute.

    • Developed a novel Foundation Model based on Transformers and Mamba in PyTorch on Electronic Health Records, achieving state-of-the-art performance on healthcare prediction tasks and solving challenges like limited context length.

  2. Machine Learning Researcher

    Transformer-Based Codon Optimization for Biotech Industry

    INSERM, France - University of Toronto, Canada July 2023 — Present

    • Saved thousands of dollars and increased production efficiency by 33% in the biotech industry by employing Transformers with PyTorch and Hugging Face to pioneer a novel approach for codon optimization.

    • Accelerated research progress by processing large-scale datasets using Bioinformatics Databases, Bash scripting, and Pandas.

    • Spearheaded an international collaboration under Professor Filion (Canada) & Dr. Pandi (France), showcasing strong research, teamwork, and communication skills, while leading to the imminent publication of innovative findings.

  3. Computer Vision Researcher

    Decoding Brain Activity Images to Body Movements

    University of Toronto - Koyama & Filion Lab May 2023 — Present

    • Showcased a unique application of machine translation, and unlocked novel insights for bran-machine interfaces, by developing a Transformer-based NLP model to translate brain activity to body movements in Zebrafish.

    • Leveraged PyTorch Lightning and OpenCV to develop an image autoencoder based on Residual Networks and Convolutional Neural Networks, achieving a 92% compression ratio on brain activity images, and saving terabytes of disk space.


  1. Titanic: Novel Deep Learning Approach

    Kaggle Notebook May 2023

    • Implemented a deep neural network using TensorFlow & Keras, achieving near 80% accuracy in predicting Titanic survival.

    • Created an open-source Kaggle notebook on the Titanic Competition, leveraging Matplotlib for visualizing patterns, and Scikit-Learn & Pandas for data processing, helping almost 300 Kagglers worldwide hone fundamental skills in data analysis.

  2. Vector Institute’s Cyclops: Stroke Prediction

    Open-Source Development October 2023

    • Enhanced the Cyclops open-source AI software by enabling seamless deployment on Kaggle Notebooks.

    • Achieved 90% accuracy on Stroke Prediction dataset, leveraging Cyclops, Scikit-Learn & Pandas to analyze data and tune deep learning algorithms, empowering over 1000 Kagglers worldwide to use Cyclops for tackling healthcare challenges.

  3. SocialSpectrum

    Google Cloud Global Hackathon July 2023

    • Leveraged Python, Flask, HTML, and CSS to build the back-end & front-end of an educational, AI-powered website, designed to enhance the social and communication skills of thousands of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

    • Utilized Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and OpenAI's API (GPT-3.5) to achieve human-level content creation and a chatbot mentor.

  4. Blink: Empowering The Visually Impaired

    Hack The 6ix Aug 2023

    • Leveraged Python and Flask to build the AI mobile app's back-end, which auditory describes any user-taken images, revolutionizing the way millions of visually impaired individuals "see" and interact with their surroundings.

    • Integrated an AI agent to answer follow-up questions, OpenAI's API for speech recognition, and Mini-GPT4 for image description.

  5. CoDY: The AI Therapist

    Cohere Hackathon Feb 2023

    • Integrated Cohere's Classify, Embed, and Generate models to create an AI therapist proficient in understanding emotions and simulating empathetic conversations, resulting in 87% user satisfaction rate, and estimated 33% surge in emotional support.

    • Enhanced sentiment classification by 23% through processing and fine-tuning over a dataset of 500,000 sentence-emotion pairs.

  6. MyCademy

    OpenAI Global Hackathon Mar 2023 - Present

    • Led a high-performing team to successfully develop MyCademy, a learning platform integrating Generative AI such as ChatGPT & DALL-E-2 to create personalized webpage articles based on users' unique needs & interests.

    • Fostered a collaborative environment, driving open communication and idea sharing, leading to innovative solutions and a positive team dynamic for the learning platform.


  1. Deep Learning Specialization

    Coursera & DeepLearning.ai  |  2023

    • 5-Courses Specialization on Natural Language Processing (NLP), Ensembles, Computer Vision (Object Detection, Face Recognition), and Strategic Project Management using TensorFlow & Keras.

  2. Machine Learning Specialization

    Coursera & DeepLearning.ai  |  2023

    • 3-Courses Specialization of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Advanced Algorithms (Neural Networks, Random Forests, XGBoost), & Reinforcement Learning.


  1. Languages

    Python | Java | SQL | C | HTML | CSS

  2. Machine Learning

    Neural Networks | CNN | RNN | LSTM | Transformers | Autoencoder | ResNet | GANs | Random Forests | XGBoost
  3. Frameworks

    TensorFlow | PyTorch | Keras | Hugging Face | SciKit-Learn | Pandas | OpenCV | PyTorch Lightning | Flask
  4. Tools & Cloud

    Google Cloud Platform (GCP) | AWS | Git | MongoDB | MySQL | NoSQL | Unix | Linux | Bash | PowerBI | Figma | Jupyter



I am eager to connect and talk!